What’s for Lunch?
We want to make sure that all students are fed and prepared to learn at school. Our district meal program provides breakfast, morning snack, and lunch each school day. All students qualify for a free complete “reimbursable” breakfast and lunch, regardless of income.

School Meals
School menus are created on a four-week rotation for the entire school year. Sometimes menus change due to school schedules, special occasions, or food availability. All schools offer full salad bars at lunch as a vegetarian option and to encourage students to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Free School Meals for All Students
Under the Community Eligibility Provision from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), beginning July 1, 2024, all students qualify for a free complete “reimbursable” breakfast and lunch, regardless of income. Families do not need to fill out free and reduced lunch applications for these benefits.
- Students at Crescent Valley High School should be made aware that breakfast before school and after the bell are considered the same serving session, and only one breakfast will be at no charge. Students opting for a la carte items or additional meals will be charged for them and will need to have money in their account.