Activities and Clubs

All students are encouraged to involve themselves in one or more of the 15 school clubs and activities at CVHS. For specific information about club meetings and events contact CVHS Activities Director, Kristina Stone.

CVHS Clubs

Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities including student clubs. Student groups may not discriminate on the basis of age, citizenship, color, disability, national origin, parental or marital status, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. All student groups must have a statement of the purpose of the group, description of qualifications for membership if any, and approval by the school administrator.

Student groups must apply to the school for recognition and are subject to school district policy IGDA-AR. All school-sponsored student groups have a staff advisor that takes an active role in planning and activities of the group. Non-school sponsored groups are not sponsored, supported financially, or endorsed by the district and will not be supervised by district staff. All such groups will have a staff monitor at all activities on school property during school hours. Student clubs meet during the lunch break or outside the regular school day.

District Policy on Student Clubs

Club NameAdvisorAdvisor Email
Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Math (AWSEM)Hee[email protected]
Chess ClubHart[email protected]
Corvallis ForceLoso[email protected]
Crescent CrierJordan[email protected]
Cultural Appreciation ClubBlue Arm[email protected]
CV RoboticsCarone[email protected]
CV Ski Racing TeamSki Team Parents Advisory Group[email protected]
Drama ClubMurray[email protected]
DND ClubZimmers[email protected]
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)McDonald[email protected]
Fiber Arts ClubMoses[email protected]
Film Photography ClubMoses[email protected]
Gaming ClubFreedman[email protected]
Girls LaxMcKee[email protected]
Hiking ClubMoses[email protected]
Jazz ClubPerkins[email protected]
Key ClubW. Kirsch[email protected]
MathletesKroening[email protected]
Model United NationsPerley[email protected]
Musicians for Humanity (MFH)Perkins[email protected]
Outdoor Activity ClubLoso[email protected]
P.R.I.D.E. ClubBlue Arm/Janeway[email protected]
Raider RocketeersBregar[email protected]
SAM (Students Advocating for Health)Blue Arm[email protected]
Science Olympiadkanter[email protected]
Speech and Debate ClubPerley[email protected]
Students for Environmental Action (Sea Club)Dickerson[email protected]
Studdy BuddiesKroening[email protected]
Surf ClubHowe[email protected]
UNICEF ClubStair[email protected]
Youth and Government (YMCA)Viramontes[email protected]

School Dances

Dances are usually sponsored by school clubs or organizations as fundraising activities. They generally occur in the cafeteria; Student Body Cards are required for admission. As school sponsored events, students are expected to dress and behave in accordance with district and school guidelines/expectations. The high school dance experience should be both safe and respectful. At all school events, including dances, we want to be sure that students are in a safe, positive, and healthy environment.

  • Only age appropriate and edited music that is free of objectionable language and does not promote or blatantly glorify sex, drugs, alcohol or violence will be allowed.
  • Students are expected to dance in a manner that is acceptable and appropriate for a school activity.
  • Inappropriate attire or dances (such as moshing, lifting students overhead, grinding, etc.) are not allowed.
  • Lewd and unruly behavior or profane language for authority will not be tolerated.

Any student who violates school or district policy while at a school dance will be subject to disciplinary action and will not be permitted to attend future dances until cleared by an administrator or designee. Admittance to dances may be denied by administration due to attendance, academic progress, and/or behavior.

If a student wishes to bring a friend who does not attend CVHS, a guest pass form must be submitted to the office for approval. Permission will be granted or denied on an individual basis. Generally, only high school aged students will be admitted. Middle school students are never admitted. Dances end at 11:00 pm.

Once a student arrives at a dance, they are not allowed to leave and return. The district has a fundamental and ethical obligation to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and to maintain a drug-free environment.