Health and Wellness
Academic success is strongly linked with student health. We encourage healthy behaviors and provide support to students in the CVHS Health Room to encourage those behaviors. If you have concerns about your student's health and well-being, please contact our staff to learn about local resources.
Tobacco and Drug Policy
CVHS is a Tobacco-Free Zone. To maintain a healthy environment, we do not allow vape pens, cigarettes, and other inhalant devices on school grounds. In addition, the sale and possession of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs is prohibited. Parents or Guardians must sign medication-permission slips in the Health Room if their student is going to take any medication (over-the-counter or prescription) on campus.
Student Health and Wellness
We are committed to a healthy school environment. Students should be up-to-date on immunizations and stay home if they are ill. Parents/guardians are required to complete the required forms for any medication that a student takes to school.