Stay Informed and Get Involved
From grades and athletic schedules to school closures due to inclement weather, information is shared through a variety of communication channels. Please contact the school office if you have questions about school communications.

Updates for Parents/Guardians
We encourage you to stay informed about what's happening at Crescent Valley High School. News and announcements are sent to parents and guardians via ParentSquare. If you are not receiving regular email updates, please contact the main office. Our district uses Gradebook, an online gradebook. Parents/guardians may login to check student grades and homework. A username and password is required. Check with the school office if you have questions.
There are many ways to get involved at CVHS. We greatly appreciate the support from our volunteers. Notices are sent out periodically via email for specific activities. All parent volunteers are required to complete a background check as part of their Volunteer Application.
Campus Communications
Bulletin Board
Bulletin boards are located throughout the school for school events and announcements. Students may post special notices on this board with prior administrative approval for up to five school days.
Raider News
This is the school newsletter and is published by the school library technician with the help of parents, students, and staff. The Raider News provides information about the latest school programs and policies, career and college information, and special events and activities. The Raider News is available online or can be mailed to families without computer access at home. A few extra copies are available in the Career Center and front office.
Student Publications
CVHS has three student publications: The Revolutionary, Crescent Crier, and CVTV.
The Revolutionary is the school yearbook, the Crescent Crier is the CVHS newspaper, and CVTV is the school news broadcast. The Revolutionary, Crescent Crier, and CVTV are school publications and represent extensions of the regular instructional program. As such, these publications fall under the direct supervision of the faculty advisor and principal and are subject to prior review by them and/or prior review by the CVHS Publications Review Committee.
Purchase the 2023-24 CVHS Revolutionary (yearbook) HERE