Frequently Asked Questions
Contact our helpful office staff if you can’t find the information you need.
Add/Change/Drop Classes
Courses may be dropped within the first three weeks of the semester with no grade penalty. Courses dropped after this date will result in an F grade on the transcript. Courses may be added/changed, depending on available space, during the first week of the semester. Visit the Counseling office for assistance.
Bell Schedules
Classes meet following an odd/even daily schedule. Bell schedules vary between odd/even days. You can view the bell schedules online here or pick up a copy of the bell schedule at the main office or in the Counseling Center.
Computers and Electronic Devices
In order to have access to computers at CVHS, all students and parents/guardians must sign a Technology Acceptable Use Agreement Form. The form is included in the registration process at the beginning of the year. Students are allowed to access computers before and after school (7:15 am to 3:30 pm), during off blocks, and in classes with teacher approval and supervision. Computers are available for student use in the Library/Media Center. Library/Media Center or Technology staff are available to provide assistance. Internet access is available for students at CVHS. With this privilege comes the responsibility to follow CVHS guidelines when accessing the internet while at school.
Counseling Center
Visit the Counseling Center to set up an appointment with your counselor. Counselors are available to meet about academic, social, emotional, and college and career topics. You can also contact the Counseling Center by calling 541-757-5815. If you are interested in connecting with one of the Trillium Family Services counselors who serve our school, a great first step is to meet with your assigned school counselor.
Dress and Grooming
CVHS recognizes the right to free expression and the value of diversity, including diversity in dress and general appearance. The purpose of dress and grooming guidelines is to teach and uphold community standards, and create an inclusive environment o promote learning and support a professional approach to academics. Specific guidelines are listed on the Student Conduct page.
Excusing a Tardy
Students are expected to be on time to each class. Students will be marked tardy or absent according to the following guidelines: If a student is up to 18 minutes late to class (20% of class) they will be marked tardy. If a student misses more than 18 minutes of class (20% of class) at any time they will be marked absent. Details can be found on the Attendance page.
Free School Meals for All Students
Under the Community Eligibility Provision from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), beginning July 1, 2024, all students qualify for a free complete “reimbursable” breakfast and lunch, regardless of income. Families do not need to fill out free and reduced lunch applications for these benefits.
- Students at Crescent Valley High School should be made aware that breakfast before school and after the bell are considered the same serving session, and only one breakfast will be at no charge. Students opting for a la carte items or additional meals will be charged for them and will need to have money in their account.
Getting to School
School bus riders must register online. Bus transportation information can be found here. All student and staff vehicles must have a CVHS parking pass (sticker). Students must complete an application for a parking pass on the wall rack outside of the Main office. Turn in your completed form to the Main office. Bicycles must be parked in designated areas on school grounds and locked to the structures provided. No bikes should be locked to any gates or fences. Students are strongly encouraged to use a u-style, rigid bike lock, engrave your student ID number onto your bike, and register your bike and its serial number in the Main office.
Lost and Found
Located in the Counseling office. Please talk to the student aide on duty or see the Counseling office staff.
New Students
Please call and schedule an appointment with a counselor to learn more about CV and to select courses. Parents must complete online registration (RegiStar). An email with login information will be sent to your parent/guardian.
Required forms include a class selection forecasting form, pre-enrollment form, and language form. The following items are needed to establish an enrollment record in the student system but are not required for enrollment. Please bring to your counseling appointment: copy of birth certificate or passport (may be expired), copy of immunization record, and copy of latest transcript.
The counseling session is a great time to have your questions answered about our school. Some students may need to complete an evaluation test for math. Placement testing will be arranged for those students who will need English Language Learner (ELL) classes.
Please direct questions the Counseling Department at 541-757-5815 or email Mindy Depue here.
Personalized Support
Want help becoming a more confident and competent writer? Visit the Raider Writing Center in C-14 from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm every day to work 1:1 with a trained consultant. Schedule a session or drop in. for assistance. The CV Math Lab is also open and available throughout the day for students needing assistance with math.
Reporting a Theft or Safety Issue
Students are encouraged to report incidents of theft, harassment, and other offenses as soon as possible. All incidents should be reported to an administrator or behavior specialist. Students can be assured that reporting an incident is confidential and safe. In the case of theft, students may be asked to fill out an incident report. Students are also encouraged to refrain from leaving valuable items in places where they may be stolen.
School Lockers
Lockers are assigned at registration. Students have full responsibility for making certain their locker is locked. If you have forgotten your locker combination or if the locker won’t open, please see the Attendance office. Lockers and other district storage areas provided for student use remain under the jurisdiction of the district. The district reserves the right to inspect all lockers, including PE lockers. Valuables and unsealed food should never be stored in student lockers.
School Supplies
Starting in 2016, in order to lessen the financial burden on families, our district began to shorten school supply lists and include only those items for personal use. For high school students, this change means that items such as graphing calculators are optional and will be provided at no charge and workbooks will be provided at no cost to families. Personal school supplies are still required and include those items that are carried from class to class by a student.
All high school students are encouraged to bring basic personal supplies, including a pen or pencil and paper, on the first day of school. If you are unable to provide these items, they will be provided to your student at no cost. Please contact the school counseling office for confidential assistance.
Student ID Card
Student ID cards are issued at registration. Students are strongly encouraged to carry their student ID cards at all times while at school. An ID card is required to check out books from the library and at times, students may be required to produce their ID cards as proof of attendance at CVHS. Student ID cards are also required to attend sporting events and school dances. A replacement student ID card may be purchased for $5 from the Attendance office. TIP: Students are encouraged to keep photos of their ID cards on their cell phone.
Student ID cards are required to check out text books and materials. Students need to bring their current student body cards in order to check out textbooks. Payment is required for all lost or damaged textbooks. Damages include writing with pencils, pens or highlighters, torn pages, broken bindings or liquid damage. Textbooks must be protected with a thick paper cover. These are available free of charge in the library. School supplies vary depending on student coursework.
Parents/guardians are welcome to visit district schools. All visitors must report to the office upon entering school property. While parents/guardians are always welcome to visit classrooms, as a courtesy to teachers, visits must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Visitors without a student currently enrolled in a school may also visit, but they must schedule their visit 24 hours in advance through the main office.